2017-present. Chair, Department of Mathematics, University of Akron.
2000-2017. Professor of Applied Mathematics, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, University of Akron.
2005-2006. Interim Chair, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics,
University of Akron.
1994-2000. Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Akron.
1989-1994. Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Akron.
2004-present. Joint Appointment with Department of Civil Engineering.
1994-2004. Joint Appointment with Department of Electrical Engineering.
1987-1989. Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Applied Mathematical
Sciences, Ames Laboratory, US Dept of Energy.
2016. Math Department Professor of the Year.
2014. NRHH Teacher Award.
2013. Top 25 University Professor, BusinessInsider, RateMyProfessor.com.
2012. NRHH Teacher Award.
2007. Honors College Outstanding Teacher Award.
2007. Buchtel College Chair's Outstanding Service Award.
2005. Inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, Wittenberg Chapter (Omicron of Ohio).
2005. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Service Award.
1997. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award.
Direct and inverse scattering problems for wave propagation in the time domain
Wave splitting, invariant imbedding and associated numerical techniques
Inverse problems in nonlinear viscoelastic media
Chemical vapor deposition via the level set method
Computational aeroacoustics
Fracture mechanics, singular integral equations, modeling of composite materials
Modeling of traffic flow
Recent Courses Taught
Calculus III, Ordinary Differential Equations, Applied Numerical Methods I and II,
Mathematical Models, Advanced Numerical Analysis I, Advanced Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential
Current Research Projects
Modeling and Simulation of Crevice Corrosion
Dr. Gerald Young, Dr. Curtis Clemons, Dr. Dmitry Golovaty, Dr. Joseph Wilder, Dr. Scott Lillard
Modeling and Simulation of Galvanic Corrosion
Dr. Gerald Young, Dr. Curtis Clemons, Dr. Dmitry Golovaty, Dr. Joseph Wilder, Dr. Scott Lillard
Modeling and Simulation of Risk Management
Dr. Gerald Young, Dr. Curtis Clemons, Dr. Nao Mimoto
Journal Publications
1989, Kreider.
Time-dependent inverse scattering from gradient-type interfaces using an
exact solution, J Math Phys, 30, 53-58.
1989, Kreider. A wave splitting approach to time dependent inverse scattering
for the stratified cylinder, SIAM J App Math, 49, 932-943.
1989, Kreider. Time dependent direct and inverse electromagnetic scattering for
the dispersive cylinder, Wave Motion, 11, 427-440.
1990, Kreider. Time dependent linear transport via Green's functions, Tran Thy
and Stat Phys, 18, 513-525.
1992, Karlsson, Kreider, Kristensson. Wave splitting and imbedding equations
for a
spherically symmetric dispersive medium, in Invariant Imbedding and Inverse
Problems (SIAM).
1993, Baumeister, Kreider. Modal element method for scattering and absorbing of
sound by two-dimensional bodies, J Vib Acous, 115, 314-323.
1994, Baumeister, Kreider. Scattering cross section of sound waves by the modal
element method, in
Acoustic Radiation and Wave Propagation (ASME Publications), 39-43.
1996, Baumeister, Kreider. Finite difference time marching in the frequency
domain: a parabolic
formulation for the convective wave equation, J Vib Acous, 118, 622-629.
1998, Baumeister, Kreider. Preconditioning the Helmholtz equation, J Sound and
Vib, 209,77-97.
1999, Shbeeb, Binienda, Kreider. Analysis of the driving forces for multiple
cracks in an infinite
nonhomogeneous plate, part I: theoretical analysis, J App Mech, 66, 492-500.
1999, Shbeeb, Binienda, Kreider. Analysis of the driving forces for multiple
cracks in an infinite
nonhomogeneous plate, part II: numerical solutions, J App Mech, 66, 501-506.
1999, Folkow, Kreider. Direct and inverse scattering problems on nonlinear
viscoelastic rods, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 50, 577-595.
2000, Hariharan, Scott, Kreider. A potential theoretic method for far field
sound radiation calculations, J Comp Phys, 164, 143-164.
2000, Shbeeb, Binienda, Kreider. Analysis of a general cracks in functionally
graded strip sandwiched between
two homogeneous half plates, Intl J of Fracture, 104, 23-50.
2002, Scott, Kreider, Heminger. Evaluation of far-field boundary conditions
for the gust response problem, AIAA paper 2002-2441.
2002, Kim, Kreider. An asymptotic approach to inverse scattering problems on
weakly nonlinear elastic rods, J Appl Math, 2, 407-435.
2004, Scott, Kreider, Heminger. Evaluation of radiation boundary conditions
for the gust response problem, AIAA Journal, 42, 249-254.
2004, Buldum, Clemons, Evans, Zhang, Dill, Marinov, Zheng, Hariharan, Kreider, Reneker, Young.
Coating Growth on Nanofibers: Multi-Scale Modeling, Simulations
and Experiments, Tech. Procs. of Nanotechnology 3, p 346.
2005, Buldum, Busuladzic, Clemons, Dill, Evans, Zhang,
Hariharan, Kiefer, Kreider, Young. Multi-Scale Modeling, Simulations and
Experiments of Coating Growth on Nanofibers: Part I - Sputtering,
J Appl Phys 98(4), pp 044303-044303-10.
2005, Buldum, Clemons, Dill, Kreider, Young, Zheng, Evans, Zhang, Hariharan.
Multi-scale modeling, simulations and experiments of coating growth on
nanofibers: Part II -- Deposition,
J Appl Phys 98(4), pp 044304-1--044304-16.
2005, Marinov, Buldum, Clemons, Kreider, Young, Hariharan.
Field Emission from Coated Nanowires,
J Appl Phys 98(4), pp 044314-1--044314-11.
2006, Kim, Kreider.
Appl. Num. Math. 56, 1538-1554.
Parameter identification for nonlinear elastic and viscoelastic plates.
2007, Moore, Clemons, Kreider, Young.
J Appl Phys 101, pp 064305-1--064305-12.
Modeling and Simulation of Axisymmetric Coating Growth on Nanofibers.
2008, Clemons, Hamrick, Heminger, Kreider, Young, Buldum, Evans, Zhang.
J Appl Phys 104, pp 044304-1--044304-14.
Modeling, simulation and experiments of coating growth on nanofibers.
2009, Wilder, Clemons, Kreider, Young, Evans, Zhang.
J Appl Phys 105, pp 054317.
Modeling and simulation of coating growth on nanofibers.
2010, Johnston, Braun, Kreider, Young.
A parametric analysis of a reservoir-extended porous slider bearing with
self-circulation and cavitation effects. Tribology Transactions 53(1), pp 60-74.
2010, Zhang, Yi, Kreider, Shao, Norfolk. Modeling traffic impact on transportation networks due to special events. Transportation Review Board 89th Annual Meeting
Compendium of Papers, #10-2542, http://pubsindex.trb.org/view.aspx?id=910589
2010, Jittavanich, Clemons, Kreider, Young, Aljarrah, Evans.
Modeling, Simulation and Fabrication of Coated Structures Using the Dip Coating
Technique. Chemical Engineering Science (2010), doi:10.1016/j.ces.2010.09.001
2012, Gouin, Saracusa, Clemons, Kreider, Senko, Young.
A mathematical model of a passive scheme for acid mine drainage remediation.
Geomathematics (2012), doi:10.1007/s13137-012-0044-3
2013, Miller, Brantner, Clemons, Kreider, Milsted, Wilber, Yun, Youngs, Young, Badawy, Wagers.
Mathematical modeling of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm growth and treatment in the cystic fibrosis
Mathematical Medicine and Biology (2013), doi:10.1093/imammb/dqt003
2012, Miller, Badawy, Clemons, Kreider, Wilber, Milsted, Young.
Development of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa mushroom morphology and cavity
formation by iron-starvation: a mathematical modeling study.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, pp 68-78.
2014, Brackman, Clemons, Golovaty, Kreider, Wilder, Young, Lillard, Payer.
Modeling and simulation of damage evolution in crevice corrosion.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, doi 10.1149/2.065404jes.
2014, Wilder, Clemons, Golovaty, Kreider, Young, Lillard.
An adaptive level set approach for modeling damage due to galvanic corrosion.
Journal of Engineering Mathematics, doi 10.1007/s10665-014-9732-3.
2014, Stenta, Basco, Smit, Clemons, Golovaty, Kreider, Wilder, Young, Lillard.
One-dimensional approach to modeling damage evolution in galvanic corrosion.
Corrosion Science, doi 10.1016/j.corsci.2014.07.012.
2016, Stenta, Clemons, Golovaty, Kreider, Young.
Species-Dependent Crevice Corrosion Modeling of Ni-625.
Corrosion, doi http://dx.doi.org/10.5006/2065.
2017, Colwell, Clemons, Kreider, Young, Mimoto, Sullivan.
Development of a Pitting Corrosion Risk Assessment Model Using Deterministic and Markov Analysis.
Submitted to Corrosion Science.
2016, Clemons, Kreider, Young, Mimoto, Sullivan.
Risk Assessment Models Using Markov Analysis.
2015 DOD-TCC Annual Conference Proceedings. Best Paper Award for the Corrosion Science track.
2016, Stenta, Clemons, Kreider, Young, Salgado, Lillard.
Species-Dependent Crevice Corrosion of Ni-625: Experiments and Modeling.
2015 DOD-TCC Annual Conference Proceedings.
2017, Colwell, McKinnon, Clemons, Kreider, Young, Mimoto, Sullivan.
Development of a Stochastic Metastable Pit Initiation Model with Transition to a Stable Pit State.
To be submitted to Corrosion.
2017, McKinnon, Clemons, Kreider, Young, Lillard.
Modeling Unidirectional Corrosion Damage Evolution in a Pencil-Electrode Pit.
To be submitted to Journal of the Electrochemical Society.
2018, Sutton, Clemons, Kreider, Wilber, Young.
Surface Nonuniformities in Waterborne Coatings due to Evaporative Mechanisms.
AIChe Journal, https://doi.org/10/1002/aic.16057.
2017, Stalker, Clemons, Kreider, Mimoto, Young.
Illustrating Pit Initiation and Evolution in Aluminum Alloys According to a 3-Dimensional Cellular Automata Based Model.
To be submitted to the Journal of the Electrochemical Society.
NASA Technical Memoranda
TM 105154, 1991, Saule, Rice, Clark, Kreider. Computer program for Bessel and
Hankel functions.
TM 105966, 1993, Baumeister, Kreider. Modal ring method for the scattering of
electromagnetic waves.
TM 106342, 1993, Baumeister, Kreider. Modal ring method for the scattering of
TM 106839, 1995, Baumeister, Kreider. Finite difference time marching in the
frequency domain: a
parabolic formulation for aircraft acoustic nacelle design.
TM 106935, 1995, Baumeister, Kreider. Acoustic scattering from ellipses by the
modal element method.
TM 107363, 1996, Baumeister, Kreider. Time dependent parabolic finite
difference formulation for
harmonic sound propagation in a two dimensional duct with flow.
TM 107349, 1998, Baumeister, Kreider. Preconditioning the Helmholtz equation
for rigid ducts.
NASA/CR-1999-208676, 1999, Shbeeb, Binienda, Kreider. Analysis of multiple
cracks in an infinite functionally graded plate.
Current and Recent Grants
Cannon, Kreider, Pugh, Rinaldi, Young, Youngs, Yun.
Collaborative Research: polymeric drug delivery systems and biofilms in the lung,
NIH 3ROI GM086895-02S12 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Award, May 2010-April 2011, $214,877.
Clemons, Golovaty, Kreider, Payer, Young.
FY11 Project 4A, Model for crevice corrosion damage evolution for Fe-Cr-Ni-Mo alloys, Department of Defense
Office of Corrosion Policy and Oversight, July 2011-June 2014, $130,000.
Clemons, Golovaty, Kreider, Payer, Young.
UCC 2-A corrosion evolution model, US Air Force #1000000149, July 2010-June 2013, $129,988.
Young, Clemons, Kreider, Mimoto.
FY11 Risk management, DOD Office of Corrosion Policy and Oversight, $44,175.
Clemons, Golovaty, Kreider, Wilder, Young.
Modeling of galvanic corrosion in service water piping systems, Structural Integrity Associates,
July-August 2013, $7000.
Clemons, Golovaty, Kreider, Lillard, Wilder, Young.
FY12 Model of crevice corrosion damage evolution, National Center for Education and Research on Corrosion and
Materials Performance, July 2013-June 2016, $120,000.
Lillard, Clemons, Golovaty, Kreider, Wilder, Young.
FY13-A Model of damage evolution during galvanically accelerated corrosion at lap joints,
DOD Office of Corrosion Policy and Oversight,
Fawaz, Payer, Louscher, Clemons, Kreider, Mimoto, Young.
FY13 Mechanical impact of corrosion damage, DOD Office of Corrosion Policy and Oversight,
Louscher, Castaneda-Lopez, Clemons, Dhinojwala, Foster, Gao, Kreider, Mimoto, Young.
USAF Technical Efforts to Support the Office of Corrosion Policy and Oversight, $1,189,000.
Graduate Students
Master's Degree students
1994, Zhaolin Mao, "A numerical study of an inverse problem for the dispersive
1999, Shinuk Kim, "Asymptotic solutions of inverse scattering problems on
weakly nonlinear elastic rods"
2003, Myo-Kyaw Naing, "Numerical simulation of the radial growth of nanofiber coatings"
2004, Carey Childers, "Determination of the effective properties of a cord composite with a functionally graded transition zone in cylindrical coordinates"
2004, Xiaomian Zheng, "Numerical study of front propagation by the level set method"
2005, Paul Stager, "Time domain analysis of a multiple antenna system driven by
nonlinear amplifier circuits"
2006, Paul Hamrick, "Simulation of the concentration field during physical vapor
deposition onto a nanofiber substrate"
2007, Brandon Reed, "Prediction of traffic flow through a highway interchange
system", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2010, Colin Mitchell, "Numerical simulation of calcium carbonate formation", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2010, Patrick Starvaggi, "Use of a diffusive approximation of radiative transfer for modeling thermophotovoltaic systems", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2010, Matthew Hoffman, "Use of a diffusive approximation of radiative transfer for modeling thermophotovoltaic systems", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2011, Robert Moser, "A one-dimensional model of a proton-exchange membrane photoelectrolysis cell", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2011, Marlena Gouin, "Acid mine drainage remediation utilizing iron-oxidizing bacteria", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2011, Emily Saracusa, "A mathematical model for acid mine drainage removal and iron hydroxide crust formation", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2011, Bryan Van Scoy, "Mathematical model for hydrogen production of a proton exchange membrance photoelectrochemical cell", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2011, Ryan Neubig, "Penetration of nanoparticles into a biofilm from a bulk fluid", Coadvisors: Clemons, Wilber, Young
2011, Stephanie Bissell, "The effects of quorum sensing on the phenotypes of pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria cells within a biofilm", Coadvisors: Clemons, Wilber, Young
2012, Matthew Brackman, "Modeling and Simulation of Damage Evolution in Crevice Corrosion", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2012, Katie MacCallum, "Probabilistic analysis of pipeline reliability using a Markov process", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2013, Aaron Stenta, "One Dimensional Approach to Modeling Damage Evolution in Galvanic Corrosion", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2013, Scott Basco, "One Dimensional Approach to Modeling Damage Evolution of Galvanic Corrosion in Cylindrical Systems", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2013, Austin Smith, "One Dimensional Approach to Modeling Damage Evolution of Galvanic Corrosion of a Concentric Cylindrical Geometry", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2013, Joseph Gaone, "A Mathematical Model of a Microbial Fuel Cell", Coadvisors: Clemons, Wilber, Young
2014, Jing Zhao, "Risk management for pitting corrosion", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2014, Michael Workman, "On probabilistic transition rates used in Markov models
for pitting corrosion", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2014, Ethan York, "Numerical simulation of quasi-two-dimensional corrosion of
a coated metal", Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2016, John McKinnon, "Corrosion damage evolution of a single pit",
Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2016, Alex Colwell, "Development of a stochastic metastable pit initiation model with transition to a stable pit state",
Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2016, Zachary Roland, "Galvanically induced/accelerated crevice corrosion",
Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2016, Kaylee Sutton, "Surface nonuniformities in waterborne coatings due to
evaporative mechanisms", Coadvisors: Clemons, Wilber, Young
2016, Kathryn Stalker, "Illustrating pit initiation and evolution in
aluminum alloys according to a 3-dimensional cellular automata based model",
Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2018, Abbey Frey, "A mathematical model of a corrosion system containing
inhibitors, Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2018, Julie Shallman, "Galvanic and pitting corrosion of a fastener assembly",
Coadvisors: Clemons, Young
2018, Oliver Evans, "Modeling the light field in macroalgae aquaculture",
Coadvisor: Clemons
Current, Dan Becker
Ph. D. students
2004, Shinuk Kim, "Numerical solution of inverse problems for
linear and nonlinear elastic and viscoelastic plates"
2007, Carey Childers, "Homogenization of cord composites with a functionally graded transition zone"
2012, Kyle Miller, "Mathematical modeling of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm growth and treatment in the cystic fibrotic lung".
Current, Kaylee Sutton.